Saturday, May 25, 2013

FRIDAY, MAY 24, 2013

And the winners are...

My apologies to all for taking so long to draw the winners for the COMPLIANCE Cover Reveal Giveaway! *hangs head in shame*

The winners are:

Rosemary Krejsa and Nicole Kha!

Ladies... send me your address and I'll send you the book!

If you didn't win... :-(

I'm also doing a Goodreads giveaway (see blog post below).

And... of course, the book is available for pre-order in Hardcover, orKindle formats.

11 more sleeps!!!!


So i won Maureen McGowan's New book DEVIANTS!!
Soo excited!! :D

Hahahaha This totally make my night!! :)


Sunday, May 5, 2013

Finals to Cookie

Ello!! Its me Nicki!!

Omg!! Final is literally around the corner.


University is literally tiring, hahahaha
i cannot wait till 3pm tomorrow. Then i can finally start my 1 month break before summer session!!
But all i want to do is doze off into a deep slumber.

But thanks to my adorable little sister, i can get up and study. hahahaha
i am such a bad example for a sister...

Anyhow, my mother found a cute mix terrier running around her office. Thank the Lord, that he was able to meet my mom, or who knows what will happen.
He is soo adorable but very naughty.

Nevertheless, i took him to the vet 3 days ago, the doctor confirmed that he is 5 months of ago. 

I literally did a pose like this when he told me, hahahaha
He was a Puppy!!!
awwwww but soo sad, since he was abandoned of the streets at such a young age.
Also they tested that he has round worms.
Roundworms are located within the small intestines.
They would give your dog diarrhea, abdominal pain, intestinal blockage and death.
Not a really nice feeling and knowledge to know, since now the puppy is within your palms.
But now he is in good health!!